Well, here we go again with another update – some health news, some travel news and lots of pictures.
Firstly – Health.
As you know by now, our lives are focussed on the three monthly blood tests to monitor my health, and how I am responding to the cancer treatment. We always wait until the results are in before deciding whether we can book another trip somewhere or what other events we can attend. So, we are very pleased that today’s blood test is another good one. The PSA (which is what we tend to focus on) is down again, thanks to the Enzalutamide I am now taking. It is now 3.25, down from 3.93, three months ago. Still heading in the right direction. Our review with the oncology nurse is next week, and as I am feeling well and all my blood levels are looking good we expect to carry on with the current treatment regime for another three months. Good news. We are going to reward ourselves by booking a mini break later in the year – not sure where yet, maybe Portugal this time. Suggestions please.
Since our last blog in March we have been really busy. The main event was, of course that Bim has now joined the 60 club.

We decided to celebrate the start of her 60th birthday year with another trip to the Maldives, this time staying on Vilamendhoo. We were delighted to be joined by good friends, Linda and Benny who flew over from their home in Dubai. We had a fantastic time, the food was great and the snorkelling was the best we have seen.

We have lots more birthday events to look forward to over the coming year, no doubt they will appear in a future blog.
We decided we had to go to London to experience the King’s coronation so had an early start and drove down with friends, Maurice and Gary, arriving before 8.00am. The only place still available was Hyde park. So we sat in the rain watching events unfold on the big screen with thousands of others. It wasn’t the best of weathers but the atmosphere was brilliant. Everyone was friendly and it was really memorable. We made the most of the day and found a great restaurant for a late lunch and then enjoyed shopping in Fortnums.

The coronation was on the Saturday and we were very lucky to receive an invitation to the royal garden party on the following Tuesday. So off we went to London again for another amazing and unforgettable day. We felt very privileged to be there along with 8000 other guests. The Prince and Princess of Wales, Princess Anne and other royals were there. We didn’t get a chance to meet them, but we had such a great time, watching the military bands, eating the excellent food and exploring the beautiful 39 acre gardens. And, of course, taking lots of photos.

One other special event to tell you about is that Bim’s mum, Jeannette, celebrated her 80th birthday last week. We helped arrange an afternoon tea party for friends and family and it was lovely to see everyone together.

That’s enough from me for this blog. Thank you for reading.