10 days after the second round of chemo and John is already noticing a pattern to how he is feeling. In the week after chemo he feels good, with only a few side-effects such as slight fatigue, mouth tenderness, change in taste, and difficulty sleeping (probably due to the steroids which have to be taken alongside the chemo). He is still managing to go to work, although he did stay away at the beginning of the week as some work colleagues were suffering with colds. This would not usually be a problem, but it’s best to avoid anyone that may be infectious whilst he’s susceptible. Then at day 9 – 10 post chemo he seems to get very tired, and has a nap in the afternoon to recharge his batteries. It was at this stage after the first round of chemo that he had his hospital admission, so we are hopeful that we’ll avoid that this time around. We can only presume that his neutrophil levels have dropped again, along with his red blood cell count which will account for the fatigue. His appetite is not affected; perhaps if anything he has more of a liking for sweet foods which is unusual for him.
Today we took a drive over to the coast and had a short wander at Shotley Point overlooking the container port. It may have only been a short walk, but the bracing weather blew out the cobwebs and did us the power of good.

The Just Giving fundraising page continues to grow, and currently has reached over £1300 – amazing! Thank you to everyone that has supported us, and the charity so generously.