I think it’s fair to say that Bim has made the most of her 60th birthday year. We have just enjoyed the last two birthday events (given as vouchers) which were lunch at the Savoy, followed by drinks at the Royal Opera House with Ruth & Russell. Then an amazing visit to Kew gardens last week. What a fantastic place. We thoroughly recommend going if you have not been before. We even saw our first Banksy. With all the events we had booked, Bim managed to extend her 60th birthday year to 17 months!

Health News

Actually there is very little to update you about my health this time. I had my regular three monthly blood test and nurses appointment in July which all went well. The PSA was up, but only by a small amount again. And as I feel well, we carry on living our best lives which naturally includes more holidays; more on this later. 

I did have a further telephone follow up call with the urology consultant to check how I was doing after my TURP operation. He told me that the part of the tumour he removed was very hard and he was concerned that I may have been left with urinary incontinence, which is one of the potential side effects of the operation. I was pleased to be able to tell him that he did an excellent job and that I have no unwanted side effects. I may need the same operation again at some point, when the tumour starts to grow again, but for now it’s a relief to be able to pee normally again. Long may it continue! 

That really is all my health news for the moment, so now I can fill you in on what we’ve been up to since our last blog in April.

The main event was another perfect holiday to the Maldives. It does feel like home to us when we return. We first visited for our honeymoon 34 years ago, when we stayed on Kurumba (which means coconut in the Maldivian language). I believe this was the only tourist island at the time. Things have certainly come on a long way since then. There are now so many different islands to visit it is hard to make your choice, but this time we stayed on Diamonds Athuruga, which is an Italian managed resort. 

This island was everything we hoped it would be – fantastic food, brilliant snorkeling, and amazing service. I have, of course, added a few photos of our trip below. 

If you have time to look, I have put our holiday video on YouTube.

One of the unfortunate side effects of the hormone treatment I have had for the last (nearly) eight years is that it is very easy to put on weight around the stomach. I actually weigh the same as I did ten years ago but my shape has changed noticeably. I do try to maintain a healthy weight, as it is an important part of avoiding other health issues, but it does seem to become more difficult as time goes by.

I continue to work part time in an IT role as a Systems Support Officer for Mid Suffolk District Council, which I am really enjoying, although my contract is due to end in two months time. I am hoping it might be made permanent at that point, but I will have to wait and see what is decided. 

We have just booked a late break to La Gomera for a week. We have never been before, but the weather looks good for this time of year. We are hoping this will be a combination of a few excellent walks and time by the pool. Just what the doctor ordered!

We do not feel we have done with the Maldives completely yet and are looking at booking for sometime in May next year, but as always we will have a lot of hurdles to jump, (blood tests, oncology appointment, travel insurance etc) before we can book. Fingers crossed.

As ever, thanks for reading.